Every 2 years the Austrian CIGRE community meets and enjoys the Austrian CIGRE conference, last time 31st of January 2023. It was a pleasure for Gerhard Christiner, Austrian CIGRE president and Wolfgang Hribernik, Austrian CIGRE secretary general to invite and lead through the programme of the day:
up to 80 CIGRE colleagues met. Next to the highly regarded keynote “A Decarbonized and Resilient Dutch Power System” by Prof. Peter Palensky, Professor for Intelligent Electrical Power Grids at TU Delft the Austrian CIGRE study committee members and working group members presented the highlights:
Study Committee B2 Overhead Lines (Kerstin Weindl, APG)
Study Committee B4 DC Systems and Power Electronics (Alexander Gaun, Coil Innovation GmbH)
Study Committee C6 Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources (Thomas Strasser, AIT)
Study Committee A1 Rotating Electrical Machines (Gerfried Maier, Andritz)
Working Group A3.46 Generator Breaker (Robert Schürhuber, TU Graz)
Study Committee D1 Materials and Emerging Test Techniques (Uwe Schichler, TU Graz)
Finally, our Austrian Next Generation Network was introduced by Manuel Galler, TU Graz.