The CIGRE Working Groups are the world’s leading community for collaborative development and information exchange on energy systems. The working groups meet regularly to discuss the future of the industry and the value chain of the energy market – from generation to distribution.
If you are interested in participating in the working group or have any questions, please contact the responsible person on the Austrian study committee.
CIGRE Working Groups registered in 2020
- TOR-WG D2.53_Technology and Applications of Internet of Things in Power Systems
- TOR-WG B2.80_Numerical Simulation of electrical fields on AC and DC Overhead Line Insulator Strings
- TOR-WG D2.52_Artificial Intelligence Application and Technology in Power Industry
- TOR-WG B2.79_Enhancing Overhead Line Rating Prediction by Improving Weather Parameters Measurements
- TOR-JWG D1_A2.77_Liquid Tests for Electrical Equipment
- TOR-WG B2.78_Use of High Temperature Conductors in New Overhead Line Design
- TOR-WG B5.72_Modelling, Assessment, and Mitigation of Protection Performance Issues caused by power plants during Dynamic Grid Events
- TOR-JWG B4_A3.86 _Fault Current Limiting Technologies for DC Grids
- TOR-JWG D1_B1.75 _Strategies and tools for corrosion prevention for cable systems
- TOR-WG B5.71_Protection, Automation and Control Systems Communication Requirements for Inter-Substation and Wide Area Applications
- TOR-WG B3.58_Knowledge Transfer of Substation Engineering and Experiences